Apply discount with respect to compare at price instead of sale price!
Problem statement
We a merchant has already setup sale on the random products from Shopify products section, in this case when setup discount based on 'Percent off' or 'Price Off' method, then it applies based on sale price instead of Compare at price. Is there any way to implement discount based on Compare At Price instead of sale price to avoid double discount.
Available Solution
'Fixed Price' discount method is independent, You can ou this method for applying discount with respect to comapre at price.
- Fixed pricing rule on behalf of compare at price:
In this case, You can create rule based on fixed price by calculating value on behalf of compare at price.
For example:
Let's assume, Product regular price is $80 and compare at price is $90. IF you want to apply 50% of compare at price. Then you can set $45 fixed price in wholesale pricing rule.
Before Discount
After Discount
You can learn more about for setup wholesale all in one disocunt rules by following below links: