On this page
Let's go through each step one by one:
Various customer selection:
The ONLY application that allows you to set up wholesale Shipping for both retail and wholesale customers, this is not limited to create Shipping rule for only tag base customers. You can set up wholesale shipping for the following type of customers:
All customers [Available only in Business Plan]
All website visitors will see the shipping charges on checkout page whether or not they are logged in.
Only logged in customers [Available in All Plans]
Shipping charges will appear on checkout to only those customers who are logged in to their account. The customers who are not logged in will not get the shipping charges. In this customer selection, You can also select country , in which you want to apply this shipping charges.
- Apply rule for all countries
If you select this option, then this shipping rule will apply to every country customers.
- Apply rule for specific countries
If you select this option, Popup will appear for selecting specific countries and States. Then you can select required specific countries that you want to offer shipping charges.
You can not select same country in another logged in based rule.
Only Tagged customers [Available in All Plans]
- Have active account status
- Are logged in as customer
- Contain matching customer tag with the shipping rule
In this customer selection, You can also select country , in which you want to apply this shipping charges.
- Apply rule for all countries
If you select this option, then this shipping rule will apply to every country customers.
- Apply rule for specific countries
If you select this option, Popup will appear for selecting specific countries and States. Then you can select required specific countries that you want to offer shipping charges.
You can not select same country in another Same tagged based rule.
- Each tag represents a separate customer group. You can create multiple customer groups by assigning a unique tag to each group such as 'VIP', 'Wholesale', 'Dealer', 'Contractor' etc.
- You can assign different shipping to different groups based on tags.
- Tags are case-insensitive in the shipping rules and customers, the uppercase and lowercase letters of tags are treated as equivalent. For instance, the tags "wholesale", "Wholesale" and 'WHOLESALE' are of the same significance.
Shipping Rates types
Wholesale all in one app allow three types of rates setup in wholesale shipping rule .
- Flat rate on entire order
By using this option selection, you can setup flat/fixed shipping rate based certain condition that you will setup in Shipping charges. Then this setup shipping charges will show on checkout page, if customer requirements fullfilled.
- Cart Total Amount (Subtotal)
- Cart Total Items (Quantity)
- Cart Total Weight (Pounds)

Moreover, You can set minimum and maximum amount on which you want to apply this flat rate.
- Percentage of cart total
- Cart Total Amount (Subtotal)
- Cart Total Items (Quantity)
- Cart Total Weight (Pounds)

- Conditional rates
By using this option selection,You can get following options:
- This option gave you option, wheather you want to set minimum requirements or not. IF you unchecked Enable minimum cart requirements, then Flat rate that you will set, will apply on checkout , without any minimum requirements

- Also in this option, you can create shipping based on multiple conditions.