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Let's go through each question one by one:
- Explain the Wholesale All-In-One app Shipping?
- When should I apply shipping from the Wholesale All-In-One app?
- Is it possible to apply Wholesale All-In-One app shipping based on specific product/s?
- How do I setup shipping in wholesale app?
- Limitation of Wholesale All-In-One app Shipping?
- Shopify Shipping vs. Wholesale App: What's the difference?
- In the Wholesale All-In-One app shipping, which discount method of checkout is supported?
- Is Wholesale All-In-One app shipping allow calculated shipping rates?
- Wholesale All-In-One app shipping works on what basis?
- Is it possible to display multiple shipping rates to wholesale customers?
- When do we need to use an additional Shipping application?
- Is it possible to create multiple [amount, item, weight] based shipping rules for the same customers in Wholesale All-In-One app shipping?
- Is it possible to set up free shipping from the Wholesale All-In-One app for all customers except for specific customers?
- Is Wholesale All-In-One app shipping compatible with the Shopify Pickup option?
- What is the best way to set up Wholesale All-In-One app shipping based on specific countries?
- Created country-based shipping rule from the Wholesale All-In-One app, why it's not working?
- Does Wholesale All-In-One app shipping apply only to the customers of the wholesale app?
- Is it possible for Wholesale All-In-One app shipping to override Shopify's shipping rule and other apps?
- Is Wholesale All-In-One app allows the creation of multiple shipping rules for the same customer?
1. Explain the Wholesale All-In-One app Shipping?
The wholesale all-in-one app has a Manage Shipping feature, which allows you to create shipping rules based on your specific requirements. Wholesale app shipping is mainly used to handle a specific group of customers since this option does not exist in Shopify's default shipping section.
2. When should I apply shipping from the Wholesale All-In-One app?
Whenever you need to apply a specific shipping charge to a specific group of customers. Shopify shipping handles all customers not just a specific group of customers.
3. Is it possible to apply Wholesale All-In-One app shipping based on specific product/s?
No, shipping can only be applied to the entire order rather than based on specific product/s.
4. How do I setup shipping in wholesale app?
You can setup wholesale app shipping by following instructions from Here
5. Limitation of Wholesale All-In-One app Shipping?
- Calculated shipping rates do not work
- Multiple rules are not allowed for the same country
- Based on the same tags, multiple rules are not allowed
- hipping can only be applied to the entire order
6. Shopify Shipping vs. Wholesale App: What's the difference?
Wholesale All-In-One app shipping handles a specific group of customers, whereas Shopify shipping does not.
7. In the Wholesale All-In-One app shipping, which discount method of checkout is supported?
The Wholesale All-In-One app shipping is only compatible with the Draft Order discount method of checkout, not with the Coupon Code discount method of checkout.
8. Is Wholesale All-In-One app shipping allow calculated shipping rates?
The Wholesale All-In-One app does not have the capability of using calculated rates due to technical limitations. However, you can use an additional app to apply the calculated rates.
9. Wholesale All-In-One app shipping works on what basis?
- Cart total amount
- Cart total items
- cart total weight
10. Is it possible to display multiple shipping rates to wholesale customers?
The Wholesale All-In-One app does not display shipping options directly to customers, as eligible shipping rates will be applied automatically on the checkout page based on conditions you define in shipping rules.
11. When we need to use a separate Shipping application?
When Calculated shipping rates required for specific group of customers or need to create multiple rules for same country. When you want to apply shippping on specific products.
12. Is it possible to create multiple [amount, item, weight] based shipping rules for the same customers in Wholesale All-In-One app shipping?
No, Shipping from the Wholesale All-In-One app does not allow creating more than one rule for any specific customer but can create multiple rules for different customers.
13. Is it possible to set up free shipping from the Wholesale All-In-One app for all customers except for specific customers?
You will need to create a free shipping rule from the Wholesale All-In-One app based on all customers by adding specific tags in excluded fields in order to prevent the shipping rule from being applied to those specific tagged-based customers.
14. Is Wholesale All-In-One app shipping compatible with the Shopify Pickup option?
The wholesale all-in-one app shipping does not support Shopify Pickup Option. However, you can use additional apps which have pickup options that are compatible with the wholesale all-in-one app.
15. What is the best way to set up Wholesale All-In-One app shipping based on specific countries?
Wholesale All-In-One app shipping allows the creation of shipping rules for only logged-in and tag-based customers, not for all customers. If you set up a shipping rule based on logged-in customers then any customer who purchases any product by simply logging in to their accounts will automatically receive these shipping charges. However, if you set up a shipping rule based on specific tag-based customers, then only customers with those tags who purchase a product will receive these shipping charges.
Important Note: It is necessary to include the same matching tag in the customer's account so our wholesale application can verify the tag, as well as the country by checking the default address of the customer account. When the country tag matches the customer's account tag, the customers will receive shipping based on their country.
You can set up Wholesale All-In-One app shipping by following the mentioned below instructions:
- Go to the 'Manage Shipping' section of the Wholesale All In One application's dashboard
- Create a new shipping rule by clicking the "Add shipping" button
- Select a specific country.
- Multiple countries can also be selected.
- Click "Save Shipping" to save this shipping rule.
16. Created country-based shipping rule from the Wholesale All-In-One app, why it's not working?
Created country-based shipping rule sometimes do not work because wholesale apps verify the customer's default address country. If this matches the shipping rule country then the shipping rule applies otherwise, it does not apply.
17. Does Wholesale All-In-One app shipping apply only to the customers of the wholesale app?
No, Shipping from the Wholesale All-In-One app is not dependent on wholesale customers. You can create shipping rules for wholesale customers as well as for regular customers. There are three types of customer-based shipping rules available:
- All customer based : In this type of rule, shipping only applies to all customers as it is not necessary to be logged in whether they are wholesalers or retailers.
- Login Customer Based : In this type of rule, shipping only applies to logged-in customers as it is necessary to be logged in whether they are wholesalers or retailers.
- Tag Customer Based : In this type of rule, shipping only applies to tagged-based customers as it is necessary to have the same matching tag in a customer account according to the shipping rule. It is also possible to use only Shipping from the Wholesale All-In-One app without taking advantage of wholesale discounts.
18. Is it possible for Wholesale All-In-One app shipping to override Shopify's shipping rule and other apps?
Yes, the Wholesale All-In-One app shipping rule will override the Shopify or other app shipping when you create it through our wholesale app, and if a customer meets the criteria for this rule, then the wholesale shipping rule will apply. You can apply specific shipping charges to specific customers using this case.
As an example, you have created a Shopify shipping rule to charge $20 over the $500 cart subtotal for all customers. You can also create another rule in Wholesale All-In-One app shipping to apply free shipping to certain customers over $500 cart subtotal if you want.
19. Is Wholesale All-In-One app allows the creation of multiple shipping rules for the same customer?
In our wholesale application, you can select a specific country once in a single shipping rule, so you cannot select the same country in multiple shipping rules at once.
For example, if you have chosen "United States" as a specific country and you created another rule and try to select again "United States" then this country will be unavailable to be selected. However, if you want to apply shipping charges to international customers [for different country based] then you can create multiple shipping rules by selecting different countries in each shipping rule [not same countries].You can also use Shopify shipping, which offers multiple rules based on country, but they will apply to all customers, not only to specific customers.
Domestic Level: If you have a wholesale customer based on the "wholesale" tag, you simply create a shipping rule for that tagged-based customer to charge specific shipping rates based on a certain amount.
International level: If you have an international customer based on the same "wholesale" tag, then you can create another shipping rule by selecting a unique country in each shipping rule to charge different shipping rates. Moreover, the shipping can be applied to specific customers using an additional shipping app as the Wholesale All-In-One application is compatible with almost all additional shipping apps.
Here's an article to read more about (App compatibility) for a better understanding: Click here
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