Generally, additional discounts can be applied on top of wholesale app discounts in three cases, but you can learn more to prevent additional discounts.
- Case #1: Avoid additional discount from coupon code
- Case #2: Avoid additional discount from Automatic Discount
- Case #3: Avoid additional discount when you change the retail prices
Case #1: Avoid additional discount from coupon code
If a customer applies a coupon code along with the wholesale discount, it may result in an additional discount. To prevent additional discounts from a coupon code, disable the additional discount code input field for wholesale customers. CLICK HERE to read the article.
Case #2: Avoid additional discount from Automatic Discount
If you have setup Shopify automatic discounts for your customers, in this case your wholesale customers will receive an additional discount in addition to the wholesale discount generated by the wholesale application. If you would like to learn more about how to prevent Shopify's automatic discount from being applied to wholesale customers, please CLICK HERE.
Case #3: Avoid additional discount when adjust retail price
Problem Statement:
We have set product retail price and compare at price in some products, We are applying discount based on percentage method, but it seems additional discount are showing in frontent pages. Its seem percentage discount applying on sale price instead of product compare at price. Is there any way to implement discount based on Compare At Price instead of sale price to avoid double discount.
Available Solution:
There is a solution available to prevent double discounts. You can use the "Fixed Price" discount method, which is independent of the sale price, to apply the discount with respect to the compare-at-price. This way, you can prevent additional discounts. Learn more about the fixed price method to avoid additional discounts by clicking here.