Missing cart back link on checkout page
Problem statement:
When we enable wholesale application, then cart back link are missing from checkout page in the breadcumbs? How we can redirect now back to cart page? Can you take a look?
When order process with wholesale app , then this cart back link removed, Because wholesale all in one app by defualt process order through draft order. Shopify not allowed this cart back link in draft order. But you can use alternative way for going back to cart page.
You can go back to cart page by Clicking on logo or Clicking on browser back button.
Alternative Solution
Use Coupon code method instead of draft order method
You can use Coupon code method in wholesale app for process wholesale order. In this method, Cart back link will be showing on checkout page. But this method has its own limitation.
You can learn more about this coupon code method in this artical. Click here