Clients can still continue to create an account by going to the basic login page created by shopify… is there a way the “create account” link can direct them to the "Create WholeSale Account" page?
How can we redirect the default "create an account" on the Shopify login page to the wholesale sign up form?
Open "wholesale-all-in-one.liquid" file from Snippets section and add following script at the end of file.
The default Wholesale registration page handle is "/pages/register" you an change it if you have a different URL for your wholesale registration page.
var NewSignupPageLink = "/pages/register";
if(document.querySelector('a[href*="/account/register"]') != null){
element.addEventListener("click", function(e){
window.location.href = NewSignupPageLink;
if(window.location.pathname == "/account/register"){
window.location.href = NewSignupPageLink;
Here is screenshot for more detail: