Note: Only store owner can follow this tutorial to create a staff account for our team. The Shopify store owner is the person whose email and contact information were originally used to sign up for Shopify.
As a account owner, you can create a new staff account for our team by sending an invitation.
Steps to create staff account:
1. Log in to Shopify admin as the account owner.
2. From your Shopify admin, go to Settings.
3. Select the 'Users and permissions" section from the left sidebar, click the Add staff link as shown the screenshot below:
4. Enter a Wholesale as first name, Application as last name, as an email address and select staff account permissions for our team as shown in the screenshot below:
Required Permissions list:
- Products, Required to test the wholesale app working with the website.
- Themes, Required to add application access token.
- Blog posts and pages, Required to create Wholesale Signup Form page.
- Manage and install apps and channels, Required to test the wholesale app dashboard.
5. Click Send invite.