Among the three common types of customer account statuses, only customers with an 'active account' status are eligible to get discounts created for tagged customers.
On this page
- Types of customer account status
- Filter customers by their account status
- How to activate customer account status?
Types of customer account status
- Type #1: Active Accounts
- Type #2: Disabled accounts
- Type #3: Account invite sent
Type #1: Active account (Has a classic account)
The 'Has a classic account' status appears to the registered customers. The registered customers are those who have signed up and activated their accounts by entering a password.
- Only these customers will get the discounts that you have set up for tagged customers.
Type #2: Disabled Account (No account)
Empty space appears to the non-registered customers.
- These customers will not get the discounts that you have set up for tagged customers. However, they can still get the discount if you have set up for all customers.
Type #3: Invited to create account (Classic account invite sent)
The 'Classic account invite sent' status appears to those customers who have received the account activation link via email by store owner but haven't yet activated their accounts.
- These customers will not get the discounts that you have set up for tagged customers. However, they can still get the discount if you have set up for all customers.
Filter customers by their account status
- Customers list with 'Active' accounts
- Customers list with 'Disabled' accounts
- Customers list who are 'invited' to create accounts
Please follow the following instructions to filter customers based on their account status such Active customers, Disabled customers and/or Invited customers.
Let's assume that you have set up discounts for the 'wholesale' tagged customers, and only those customers who have active accounts will get the discounts.
Find customers with 'Active account' status
- Let's filter those customers who have Active account (Has a classic account) status.
- These filtered customers will get the matching discounts.
Here is the query string that you can modify according to your needs:
customer_tags CONTAINS 'wholesale' AND customer_account_status = 'ENABLED'
Find customers with 'Disabled account' status
- Lets filter those customers who have Disabled account (No account) account status
- These filtered customers wouldn't get the matching discounts.
Here is the query string that you can modify according to your needs:
customer_tags CONTAINS 'wholesale' AND customer_account_status = 'DISABLED'
Find customers with 'Account invite sent' status
- Lets filter those customers who have Invited to create account (Classic account invite sent) account status
- These filtered customers wouldn't get the matching discounts.
Here is the query string that you can modify according to your needs:
customer_tags CONTAINS 'wholesale' AND customer_account_status = 'INVITED'
How to Activate customer account?
In order to switch a customer's account from 'Disabled' to 'Active', just follow these steps:
- Open the 'More actions' menu on the customer details page, choose 'Send account invite', click 'Review email' in the pop-up, and then click 'Send email' as shown in the screenshot below.
- The customer will receive an email asking them to create an account. Once the customer sets a password using the invite link in the email, their account status changes from 'Disabled' to 'Active'. After that, the customer can log in and get the offered discounts.
Note, Please be advised that you can either individually 'send account invite' to each customer from Shopify customers section or use an additional application to simultaneously send invites to multiple customers, facilitating the activation of their accounts.
That's all.